
Tuesday, 30 August 2016

You'll Never Text and Drive Again After Watching This Powerful Video

No matter how many times we hear it, some of us still check our phones while driving. It's a hard habit to break, even though we know what the consequences are. One new video will make you never text and drive again, as actors who can't let go of this habit meet someone whose life changed thanks to a driver with this reckless routine.

Created by Summer Break, a TV show sponsored by AT&T, the video focuses on actors from the show talking about how much they use their phone while driving. Most of them say they just text and drive or just send some Snapchats. A few of them even point out that they only do it at stop signs or red lights. The video then takes a turn when Jacy Good enters the room. She tells each one of them how a driver who was texting caused another car to swerve and hit her family's car. The result left her parents dead and Good "fighting for [her] life" for two months. Good now lives with a partially paralyzed body. After the actors hear the story, many of them pledge to never look at their phones again.

The video, posted to Facebook on Aug. 23, has more than 26,000 reactions, 100,000 shares, and 4.5 million views. It's no question why; it sends a powerful message reminding all of us that any action on our phones can change lives forever. Watch it above.

You'll Never Text and Drive Again After Watching This Powerful Video originally seen at

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